Fortia is a RegTech firm that likes to ‘do things differently’. They are using artificial intelligence and Deep Learning to help companies discover new insights, reduce false positive alerts, measure the confidence of negative alerts and provide the ability to speed up the analysis of critical operational data.
You can meet Fortia as part of the FinTech Stories stream at FinTECHTalents Generation 2019 this November.
What is Fortia – what problem are you solving?
Fortia is a RegTech company based in Paris. We create Artificial Intelligence algorithms able to understand regulations of complex financial products and automate them into operational processes. Our solutions are used by large scale organizations in the investment management industry to digitalize and industrialize their core processes.
What role does AI and Deep learning have in combating fraud?
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, in particular, help companies discover new insights, reduce false positive alerts, measure the confidence of negative alerts and also provide the ability to speed up the analysis of critical operational data.
What are some of the challenges you see with AI development in the financial services sector?
The challenges with AI are in the annotation of high-quality data, the usage of unsupervised techniques, the combination of pre and post-processing of AI tasks, the explainability of AI results and the audit trail of AI programmed tasks.
You recently launched a RegTech accelerator – Why? Can you tell us more about its goals and progress?
As Fortia has been growing and has contributed in the areas of applied AI and regulatory technologies, we would like to share our experience, encourage younger start-up companies and help building the next generation of smart technologies. We are currently recruiting candidate start-ups and have already selected one in the anti-corruption and transparency solutions.
As a ‘FinTech’ growth company – what advice would you give new startups in this space?
My advice would be – do things differently!
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“A Paris” Yves Montand