FinTech has been as much a response to changing public understandings of what a financial service can do for a client as it has anything. It was a new belief that traditional banks, advisors, investors just didn’t suit everyone’s needs. As engagement with the subject has risen, through budgeting apps, challenger banks and digitised investing, truly getting the most out of our finances will be the new expectation for our providers. In a few years time, banks probably won’t even resemble the same banks our parents grew up with.
In short, people just needed more from financial services and FinTech companies answered the call.
When we built our retail investing platform, Exo Investing, our vision wasn’t much different from where it is today. We felt that investing should be available to more people. Private-banking grade service, customised and optimised daily, at a fixed lower fee is the philosophy at the heart of the idea.
Equally, we always knew that building Exo was just the tip of the iceberg of what we could do for the people served by the industry. We wanted to make a bigger impact, to empower more people with better products, quickly.

Melanie Palmer CMO, Nucoro
That’s why we decided to launch Nucoro.
We’re providing next-generation Wealth Management as a Service, to any financial business who needs it but is struggling to do it alone.
I think, as a FinTech, we get just as excited about what sits behind the user experience as we do for the front-end product. Take AI for an example, we talk about this a lot in our industry. However, if we look at something hugely popular like Google Maps, consumers don’t care that it’s AI – they care that it helps them get from A to B in the most efficient way. We understand this as a lesson to focus on the customer impact on their daily lives, not just on the technology itself.
So, with Nucoro, we can offer the kind of flexible, scalable tools that let even the most traditional financial business take advantage of all the benefits of technological offerings. That’s why working with Nucoro isn’t like working with any old SaaS or FaaS provider.
We’ve been there before, built the tech and got the t-shirt.
Nucoro lets us be the engine that drives the meeting of those needs for millions of clients managed by thousands of businesses. The difference a digital product can have, allowing someone to invest on their phone, contribute to their pension pot anytime they like, apply for a loan with nothing more than an app and some WiFi – this world is one that serves people in a meaningful way.
I’m so excited to see Nucoro go live for that reason; it’s our chance to bring the joy, the possibility and the power of digital to those who couldn’t afford the time, resources or apply the expertise to build it for themselves. In turn, their clients will have the chance to engage with their finances in more material ways. Put it all together, and you’ve got yourself a much more effective, happier and simply better financial world.
If you ask me, that’s a cause worth fighting for.
Meet Nucoro at FinTECHTalents this November.