RegTech startup Altergaia is looking to tackle fraud for small to medium-sized businesses.
What is Altergaia – what problem are you solving?
Altergaia is a KYC/AML software company with a business focus that runs on Salesforce.com. It stops you wasting time trying to on board customers outside your risk appetite while enhancing near real time customer experience for the “good guys”.
You talk about ‘taking back control’ and standing up for the little guy’ with AML and fraud prevention – what type of customers are your solutions aimed at?
Our solution is aimed at the Small to Medium Enterprise across all sectors (not just Financial Services) that are worried about breaking money laundering rules. In addition, Tier 1 Financial Services organisations are using Altergaia for pre-onboarding AML checks to avoid expensive and time consuming mistakes.
Do you have any metrics available that measure success for your customers?
Metrics for success – Altergaia’s solutions are Risk Based so each customer can set thresholds in accordance with their own risk appetite. This includes false positives.
What advice would you give new startups in this space?
Too many companies are focusing on automating compliance processes or investigative AML. At the end of the day, solving an operational problem that keeps both customers and regulators (in that order!) happy are the ones that will succeed. Also need to get on the PSL!
We have an array of craft beers and independent music at FinTECHTalents – Give us a great song to listen to AND tell us your favourite tipple .
Great song – no idea. Just discovered the Botley Brewery – 1 km down the road from me after 10 years living there. All great beers.
Altergaia presented at FinTECHTalents 2019 as part of the Barclays Rise cohort.