Go West, Young Startup - The launchpad for US success

The TECHTalents Society Roundtable powered by JobsOhio as part of UK FinTech Week

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A TECHTalents Society roundtable with JobsOhio in conjunction with UK FinTech Week

  • When: May 2, 2019
  • Arriving: 8:00 am for an 8:30 am hot/cold buffet breakfast
  • Where: Somerset House London

There comes a time in a life cycle of a growth company when they start to look beyond their domestic markets in order to scale and grow internationally.  For a company in the UK that can mean further into Europe, Asia or the United States.

Expansion to the US can present unique challenges. Despite operating with a common currency and a mostly common language, the United States can offer a rather fragmented experience for firms operating in financial services. Each of the 50 states operate under its own regulatory framework – making entry into the States an exercise in becoming compliant to a myriad of rules and regulations. For a growing company – recruitment, as well as expectations in standards and costs of living throughout the country, can vary widely.

With little knowledge of the US, it can be tempting to set up shop in the financial centre of New York City or the tech region in Silicon Valley. However, while it is hard to ‘know what you do not know’ there are other regions, which can offer a better ‘softer landing’ into the American market.

Ohio, which is the fifth largest Financial Services  sector in the US, is fast emerging as an innovation hub. The region can provide companies with a soft landing,  regulatory support, access to capital – all at a half of the expense of New York City or California.

Hear from:

  • James O'Toole, Co-Founder and Chief Business Officer, ID-Pal
  • David Daley, Private Client Tax Director, U.S. Tax & Financial Services, Ltd.
  • Terry Gore, Director of Financial Services, JobsOhio

Our round table will offer:

  • Strategies for entering the US market - "Why you should make Ohio home"
  • Engage and network with your peers who are also looking to expand into the US
  • Case studies from global companies that have scaled their businesses in Ohio

Agenda includes:

  • 8:00 am: Arrival
  • 8:30 am: Hot/cold buffet breakfast
  • 9:00 am: Talks from our round table speakers
  • 9:30 am: Loosely moderated round table discussion
  • 10:30 am: End

Register your interest

Spaces are limited, so please register your interest now. We will confirm your attendance at the breakfast closer to the date.

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